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Individual reservations

There are three ways to make a reservation
at "de Poort"!

1) You can book an arrangement for a course    
     listed under Overview Courses.

2) You can book accommodations in our hotel if your
     training/course is hosted at "de Poort" but is
     not listed under the courses overview.

3) You are not enrolling for a course or training but just
     want to book a room for one or several days
     (including meals if you like).

In case of 2) or 3) you can  make your reservation this page,
to the right.

- Rooms with "shared shower" do have their own sinks.

- Prices listed for rooms include tourist taxes and breakfast
  and coffee/tea during the evening.

- For a spot on our camping  you can register here too.



Existing User
In case you've registered before, you can fill in your email address and postal code here. In case this combination is known in our database, it will be filled in in the form automatically. Any change you make to your existing data will be saved upon submitting the form.

Reservation data for the main person
* required field
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth
Address *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
Home phone *
Work phone
E-mail address *
Repeat e-mail address *
 vegetarian other
  1. Welke training volgt u? Which course do you attend?
Date, day and time of arrival
Date, day and time of departure
Primary and secondary accomodation choice (per person)
1) *
2) *
Extra options
Extra persons (same invoice)
Verification code
In case of doubt, only the following characters can appear in the image above: "0123456789".
Enter code *
General comments
  • Annuleringsvoorwaarden Individuele boeking

    Kosten annulering als % van de reserveringswaarde.

    > 1 maand 0%
    > 14 dagen 15%
    > 7 dagen 35%
    > 3 dagen 60%
    > 24 uur 85%
    < 24 uur 100%

    Klik op onderstaande link voor een korte uitleg:

    Conform Uniforme voorwaarden horeca (opent in nieuw venster)
    Prijzen onder voorbehoud van prijswijzigingen. 

    Wij raden u aan om een
    annuleringsverzekering af te sluiten.
  • Cancellation individual reservation

    Cancellation costs as % of the reservation price.

    > 1 month 0%
    > 14 days 15%
    > 7 days 35%
    > 3 days 60%
    > 24 hours 85%
    < 24 hours 100%

    Conform Dutch law (opens in new window)


Payment data

Cardholder name*
Card type
Credit card number*
Verification code *
Card expiry date *
 I give De Poort permission to use and store my data according to
the policy described in the Privacy Statement
 I give the Course/Conference Organization permission to view and
use my data (name, email, age, strictly course related info) according to the policy described in the Privacy Statement
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